Congratulation on the successful inauguration & signing event of Victoria School - Saigon South

On December 12, 2022, Victoria Saigon South International Bilingual School was formally launched with the attendance of more than 200 customers and distinguished delegates, partners, and press representatives.  This is an important milestone in our school's journey, marking the launch of an international school that's a participating member of UNESCO’s “Happy Schools” project.


Following the signing event, which aimed to promote the construction and completion of our school, we're gearing up for the first generation of students in the 2023 - 2024 academic year. Also at the inauguration ceremony, our Admission Office officially opened, ready to welcome parents and children to find out more information about our school and register for enrollment.


After many years of preparations, Victoria Saigon South International Bilingual School, located within the Dragon City ecosystem, has officially opened, offering primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary levels of education. Our curriculum incorporates the best aspects of education from the US, the UK, and Vietnam.There are 6 study programs utilized in total: National Curriculum, Cambridge International Curriculum, Cambridge Global Perspectives, Character Education in Positive Action, Music, Art & Sports Education, and Enterprise Education Experience. 


What sets Victoria Saigon South apart is we are the first inter-level international bilingual school in Saigon South to pursue the "Happy Schools" model; we strive to achieve our mission of "educating and training generations of responsible, confident, and happy students". Practicing the principles of “Happiness”, Victoria Saigon South is student-centered by design, and places emphasis on every aspect of Victoria – from facilities, educational programs, or student activities to the recruitment and training process.


At the ceremony, Ms. Le Nguyen Trung Nguyen, MA, Executive Director of Victoria Saigon South School, stated: “Right here at Victoria Saigon South School, students can study and explore the world with no limitations, finding inspiration and joy along the way. Each student has a right to receive an education of global-standard quality that fosters their future growth into a successful and happy global citizen.”


Mr. David Perkin, Principal of Victoria Saigon South School, shared a message regarding our educational philosophy: “Students will have the chance to create their own development path, unleash their potential and cultivate their inner strengths.”


The inauguration event also marked the collaboration between Victoria Saigon South School with bank partners such as HD Bank, Shinhan Bank, ACB, and Vietcombank to provide financial support to parents; publishers (Fahasha, Dai Truong Phat) to provide learning materials for students; businesses (VietJet Air, Doctor Aibolit) to provide opportunities for students to get practical experience; transportation (Bus2School) for school services; and non-profit organizations (No Nore Plastic, LimArt Zero Waste) to organize activities that increase social responsibility.


Our school also had the honor of welcoming the Nha Be People’s Committee, Department and Office of Education and Training delegates, and almost 30 press representatives at the inauguration and signing event. Starting from now, Victoria Saigon South School will go above and beyond expectations to develop an advanced and holistic academic environment, as well as provide our students with a joyful learning experience, achieving the goal of training generations of students to become global citizens.

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