Supporting your child through exam season

Exam season is a stressful time not only for students but also for parents. How can you help your child navigate this period smoothly and effectively? The journey of supporting your child through exams isn't just about ensuring good academic results; it's also an opportunity for families to bond, share, and grow together.


Below are some practical tips for parents to support their children during exam season.


1. Understand Your Child and Empathize with Their Situation


Listen to and understand the anxieties and pressures your child is experiencing. Every student has a different personality and approach to exams. Some children are confident, while others are easily stressed. Parents need to put themselves in their child's shoes to better understand their thoughts and feelings during this sensitive time.


Listening not only helps your child feel respected but also creates a connection, making it easier for them to share their difficulties. This allows parents to offer appropriate advice.


Copy of _C6A5503Victoria School parents and teachers listen to students

their experiences during a 1-1 parent meeting


2. Create a Reasonable Study Schedule


A balanced schedule between study and rest is key for your child to maintain energy and focus. Help your child create a detailed study plan, prioritizing subjects or areas where they are weaker. At the same time, ensure they have time for rest and relaxation to recharge.


Instead of forcing your child to study continuously, encourage them to take breaks every 45-60 minutes. Light activities like listening to music, drawing, or taking a walk can help reduce stress and improve concentration.


3. Ensure Proper Nutrition and Health


Nutrition is a crucial factor during exam season. The brain needs energy to function effectively, so make sure your child receives adequate nutrients such as protein, omega-3s, vitamins, and minerals.


Foods like fish, eggs, green vegetables, fresh fruit, and nuts are ideal choices. Also, encourage your child to drink enough water and avoid sugary or carbonated drinks.


In addition to nutrition, sleep is also essential. Ensure your child gets enough sleep, 7-8 hours per night, to allow the brain to recover and consolidate information.


4. Encourage Rather Than Pressure


During exam season, the pressure to achieve high scores or compare themselves to their peers can make children feel insecure. Instead of emphasizing achievement, encourage your child to do their best.


Timely praise or an encouraging hug can be a great motivator. Let your child understand that grades are not everything; the effort and learning attitude are most important.


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Victoria School parents and their children attend the

mid-term parent meeting of the 2024-2025 school year


5. Create an Ideal Learning Environment


A quiet, tidy, and well-ventilated study space will help your child concentrate better. Eliminate distractions such as phones or noise while your child is studying.

You can also add items that inspire creativity, such as a memo board, reference books, or a small corner where your child can relax.


6. Provide Emotional Support and Stress Management


Exam pressure affects not only physical health but also a child's mental well-being. Be mindful of signs of stress, anxiety, or insomnia in your child. If your child is struggling, parents should encourage them to share their feelings or seek support from a psychologist if necessary.


Gentle conversations or family activities like cooking or playing sports can help children reduce stress and regain balance.



Victoria School parents join their children in school activities


7. Provide Appropriate Support and Respect Your Child's Independence


Supporting your child doesn't mean controlling everything. Let your child take responsibility for their learning and decision-making, but always be ready to assist when needed.


Trust and encouragement from parents will help children feel more confident, allowing them to maximize their potential during exams.




Supporting your child through exam season isn't just about helping them achieve good results; it's also an opportunity for parents to build a strong, understanding, and supportive relationship with their children. Remember, the most important thing is not the grades, but the confidence, effort, and positive attitude that children develop during this process.


With the right support from parents, exam season will no longer be a pressure but a meaningful experience, helping children grow and become stronger in their learning journey and life.

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